Portfolio: Ekaterina Klimenko

frontend developer

+ project manager

Ekaterina's Photo
Line with a dot

Hello! I am a frontend developer with an ambition to become a fullstack developer. My coding journey started over a year ago when I decided to build a webpage for an event I was organizing. After doing couple of hobby projects, I got hooked on programming with JS, quit my job and started a intensive bootcamp to learn coding professionally. I love coding because it allows me to work with solving problems and I can learn new things all the time! I love working in a team and am used to being a part of a multicultural work environment.


JavaScript, React, Redux, Node.js, Express, MongoDB React Native, HTML, CSS, Responsive Design, Flexbox, Grid, API:s, GitHub, mob-programming, pair-programming

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my thoughts

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DEC 2019. How to stop being scared: Learning to love code >>



  • JavaScript ES6
  • React
  • Redux
  • Node.js
  • NPM
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • GitHub


  • Postman
  • CodePen
  • Code Sandbox
  • Slack
  • VS Code


  • Zoom
  • Teams
  • Project management
  • Budget Planning


  • Canvas HTML
  • Material UI

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